
Strafluence is a trusted provider of subject matter expert sourcing and recruiting services to our clients. We have a responsibility to treat all clients honestly and with integrity. Our Code of Ethics ensures that our employees uphold our principles of honesty, integrity, and trust in all business activities. We conduct our business activities with clients’ best interests in mind at all times.

We follow strict compliance protocols to grasp a solid understanding of our clients’ needs and potential conflicts for every search, then communicate client-specific guidelines across the team to prevent any inappropriate subject matter expert engagements.

It is the responsibility of our employees to ensure every subject matter expert we introduce to our clients has confirmed that the engagement does not violate any existing agreements they have in place. Every subject matter expert we recruit has agreed to keep client details confidential and is trained on client industry-specific compliance best practices. Each subject matter expert is required to re-confirm understanding of these important rules before each subsequent client engagement.